
Nodes and Workgroups

The NODE.Health “Nodes” help us organize and define key problems or solutions that NODE.Health would like to pursue, to make real impact on the challenges or barriers slowing transformation in our industry. The Nodes are for NODE.Health members to gather throughout the year to work collaboratively on advancing an initiative.

What are NODES?

What they are

  • A group of highly capably NODE.Health members with a commitment to impact
  • A group driven to evaluate their impact by either measuring the problem or measuring their impact
  • Time for organizations to show their capabilities in advancing initiatives to accomplish objectives

What they are NOT

  • A professional workgroup only focused on advancing a profession, rather than an initiative
  • A thought leadership group focused on sharing ideas alone without pursuit of change or improvement
  • Another siloed workgroup not open to collaborating with other efforts or organizations

NODE.Health Nodes

Patient Nodes

Jay Erickson
The Patient Node works on objectives that can improve the experience of the care the patient receive.

Health Equity

Works on objectives that address inequalities or gaps in care for underprivileged patients.


Works on objectives that support price transparency or lowers costs to the industry and to patients.


Works on objectives that improve the quality, cost and effectiveness of pharmaceuticals.


Shahid Shah
Works on objectives to developing common design requirements to help forge effective connections between users and producers.

Health System

Works on objectives that improve the cost, quality and experience of the care they provide.

What problems do Node workgroups work on?

The NODE.Health Leadership team will identify Node leaders and will guide which workgroups emerge within each Node.

NODE.Health workgroups must

  • Be approved by NODE.Health Leadership
  • Have a leader that is willing to facilitate for the year with a commitment to “achieve” something
  • Be defined as either solution oriented, problem oriented, or both
  • Be aligned to NODE.Health Mission “to create, gather and share evidence and best practices to bring digital to the real world”
  • Must report progress against goals at DMC; beyond that the cadence is up to work group leads

What problems do they work on?

The NODE.Health Leadership team will govern which objectives they work on, the number of objectives, and will monitor the progress of each Node.
  • Solutions or problems must use an OKR framework to help measure, like those provided by
  • Alternative OKR frameworks must be widely understood and adopted and will be approved by the NODE.Health leadership team
  • Must be evidence based

Joining a NODE and a Workgroup

Members will first join a NODE (or multiple NODES) and then, based on interest and expertise, be allowed to join a complementary workgroup.  

Requirements for joining a workgroup:
  • You must be a member of NODE.Health by agreement or special invitation
  • Participation requires commitment for a year to work on a defined solution or problem
  • Each workgroup has a requirement to present progress or status during the NODE.Health Digital Medicine Conference
  • Workgroups are typically 10 people or less per workgroup, if we attract more people, NODE leads will consider splitting into multiple initiatives

A registered 501c3 non-profit organization, we help healthcare organizations realize the benefits of digital medicine faster and with less risk by creating, gathering, and sharing clinical evidence and best practice

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