Validation Awards

Evidence Matters Awards Competition

Compete as part of our 6th Validation Awards with submissions due November 26th. The awards will honor those researchers committed to Evidence and Why it Matters, by leveraging best in class practices in validating their digital solutions.

Competition Details

Winners Receive

  • Presentation Spot at our 8th Annual Digital Medicine Conference

  • Branding Opportunities throughout 2025 (All Webinars)

  • Present at members only Learning Session in 2025

  • Co-author publication featuring best in class study design features

  • Be featured as “Best in Show” on NODE.Health website

Your Submission

  • One in-progress or completed peer reviewed publication or..

  • One protocol or IRB describing your study or ..
  • A completed pilot with document outcomes

November 26th, 2024


2021 Judges


Director Research Science, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine NODE.Health Board Evidence Awards Chair


Assoc. Professor, UCSF, Digital Health Researcher, Founding CMIO, CMS Adviser, Hospital Medicine Physician, NODE.Health Scientific Chair


NODE.Health Program Manager Research Associate and Scholar


Professor of Medicine, Hospitalist, Co-founder Hospital Medicine Reengineering Network


Policy Fellow at Imperial College London and Co-Founder at Prova Healthh



Who is eligible to compete?
Submissions can come from health systems, digital technology companies, or individual researchers that are in the process of, or have completed, a formal study designed to demonstrate a particular outcome. All submissions must have one of the following a) a Peer Reviewed Publication Describing Your Study b) an IRB Approved Submission and c) a protocol describing your solution. All submission must have the aforementioned document as part of their submission. Submissions without one of these three documents will be referred to our Validations Research Team, to determine if there is interest in conducting a study.
What has changed since last year’s competition?
Several adjustments were made this year to improve the quality of the competition and ease the burden on judges and submitters. We have simplified the submission form from 40 input fields to 10. In order to improve the quality of submissions to target evidence, we have made peer-reviewed articles, submissions and protocols mandatory as part of the submission. We have also improved the awards to ensure we provide credit and value to those demonstrating best in class techniques. These include identifying specific presentation, speaking and branding opportunities throughout next year.
Are multiple submissions allowed?
Multiple submissions are allowed as long as the submission is focused on a different outcomes, different solution, or leverages a different study design.
What will the format of the DMC presentation be for finalists?
Finalist will be offered a 10min presentation with 5 mins open for questions by our expert Judges. Presentations will have a required set up introductory slides with any additional slides welcomed at the submitter’s discretion. Judges will evaluated based on the submitted documents along with the presentation. Winners will be announced on the final day of DMC, December 11th.
Who are the judges?
Judges will be comprised of leading researchers and executives at health system who are dedicated to transformation through proven digital technologies. They will also be made up of leading researchers at premier universities and academic centers around the world. Criteria for becoming a judge will include having published at least 2 peer-reviewed research papers related to digital health, being affiliated with Academic Center or Research Center, serving as a principal investigator, or having previously supported a NODE.Health Validation effort.
How will the submissions be evaluated?
Submission will be evaluated by leading researchers to determine the credibility and rigor of the study approach, design in support of clearly demonstrating results without bias. The judges will ignore marketing materials that are not support by evidence. Studies that demonstrate lack of efficacy with sound evaluation techniques are welcomed, with priority considerations in sharing lesson’s learned.
How will the submissions be used?
Submission will be evaluated by a panel of judges across health systems and research organizations. These submission will not be shared beyond these judges unless authorized by the submitters. Any submitted document will be evaluated to determine if there are lessons or techniques that could benefit the wider health ecosystem. For best in class submissions, NODE.Health will seek to share in either its original form, or as a collaborative effort to highlight themes or lessons across submissions. NODE.Health will seek approval prior to sharing any document or lesson that can be attributed to a specific researcher or company. Furthermore, NODE.Health will work to ensure those submitting helpful lessons will be given credit by name and organization.
Do I need to attend the DMC Conference to compete?
We encourage everyone to participate in the Digital Medicine Conference and hope you find focus in the topics and speakers that we have planned. Finalists will be required to attend the conference virtually in order to present their research and evidence. Should a solution become a finalist but cannot attend virtually then the Judges will determine a replacement finalist. There will be no presentations on behalf of the finalists without a member of the research team, health organization or technology organization present.

Disclaimer: NODE.Health evaluated these solutions on the basis of their submissions and in the value of their study design, approach and published results. NODE.Health does not endorse any of these solutions beyond the results of this competition. Additionally, NODE.Health reports no conflicts of interest at the time of the competition and during the awards. Dr. Ben Rosner became part of the NODE.Health team in 2020 following this competition.

A registered 501c3 non-profit organization, we help healthcare organizations realize the benefits of digital medicine faster and with less risk by creating, gathering, and sharing clinical evidence and best practice

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