Special Initiatives

NODE.Health Member Projects

NODE.Health Members have been working on

User Experience Measures

Many digital health tools suffer from a less than ideal user experience (UX) and can even create adverse “side effects.” We know that, for patients, user experience effects engagement and engagement effects outcomes. We also know that clinician burnout is at an epidemic proportion and a big contributor is their experience of digital tools, including EHR systems. The NODE.Health UX Measures is a tool that enables teams to quantify the UX of any digital experience, identify areas of improvement and track progress over time.

Scientific Research Council

NODE.Health has convened a group of principal investigators that represent all medical and surgical specialties. They join together from major healthcare institutions across the country with an interest to provide validation support for the digital health.

Ease of Doing Business

Recognizing the necessity to measure that which is important, our group intends to first work with the industry to define what it means to be “easy to do business with.”

A registered 501c3 non-profit organization, we help healthcare organizations realize the benefits of digital medicine faster and with less risk by creating, gathering, and sharing clinical evidence and best practice

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